Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Training And Weight Loss During Pregnancy - Different Methods

Training and pregnancy do the fit together. Yes, definitely they do, you just have to adjust the training to your body limitations. The latest research shows that adequate training has positive effects on both circulation, metabolism and it will not risk the baby's health. The training helps your body to be prepared for the delivery. If you are training regularly you also recover much faster after the childbirth. Other positive effect of training is that you feel healthier and you will increase your self-esteem.

Training before delivery.
The main reason you should train is to keep your pre-pregnancy physique. The goal is not to loss weight, but the training may help you to control your weight gain. Training prepares your body to the post-delivery phase. It becomes easier to get in shape again and you will suffer less from pain.

How often should I train?
It depends, if you are a training novice you have to take it easy, start slow and take it carefully. 2-3 training sessions per week is the recommended dose. The recommendation may not fit every woman, let your body decide.

Different types of training?

Weight training: The general recommendation is that active women with normal, low-risk pregnancies do not have to give up their weight training, just adjust your exercises.

Running: High impact is not a risk for your baby's health. It is however an increased risk for you. Running in the last trimester are not recommended.

Bicycling: It is safe. An exercise bike is an excellent way of training.

Swimming and other water activities: They are good. Studies have shown that there is no risk for infection.

Aerobics: If you choose aerobic, it is better with low impact. These kinds of high intense training methods are best if you are in good condition. Don't start with aerobic during pregnancy.

During my first pregnancy I made a mistake, i stoped training because I thought it was dangerous for me and my baby. That was a BIG mistake, I looked like a Barabapapa and had backpain. Not very funny. If you want to read about training methods there are lot of books, or you can read HERE

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1 comment:

alfred said...

I agree. But one more thing to avoid is do not over use the capacity of your body while performing
weight loss during pregnancy just to have safety and healthy lifestyle.