Friday, November 16, 2007

Weight Loss - The Number One Weight Loss Mistake

The number one weight loss mistake that dieters and emotional overeaters make has nothing to do with food--but it flavors everything. The number one mistake people make when they are trying to gain control of emotional overeating is that they get mad at themselves and beat themselves up emotionally when things don't go as planned, when they have a slip,or when they overeat. Self-critical judgment is a dead-end place. When you are judging yourself, you may tell yourself you're "wrong" or "bad" or "hopeless." You tell yourself that you "screwed up" and you'll have to "do better tomorrow."

Like children, adults don't thrive with punishment and negative words. Think about it. How often is the moment that you decide you've "blown it again" the very same moment you decide to go ahead and finish the bag of chips or the cookie dough or the what-ever-it-was you just got mad at yourself for eating? Judgment and self blame are negative, closed, dead-end places.They do nothing to encourage creative problem solving, optimism, resourcefulness--the very things needed to move forward in your emotional eating journey. In fact, when we pile on the self-blame and the guilt, we're more likely to want to go to bed and pull the covers up over our head than we are to want to keep moving forward.

Curiosity is the opposite of judgment. Curiosity is the tool of problem solvers. Curiosity is one of the most powerful tools you can learn to use in making peace with food. Curiosity provides the power to ask questions that will open doors and propel you forward in a journey to take the power back from food and diet. Curiosity allows you to see options and opportunity and new solutions. It's the avenue for learning how to "do it differently."

It's impossible to be absolutely curious and full of self-judgment at the same time.

It might be hard to imagine changing old habits of self blame and that feeling that you "deserve" to be hard on yourself, but my clients are amazed at how powerful that shift feels when they learn how to make it--and how much momentum it provides.

Three ways to engage your curiosity:

Next time you are struggling with your eating / weight / relationship with food, try on the following questions. Work to suspend judgment and approach the questions and your answers with curiosity:

1. What do I know about what made today (this afternoon, this week) so difficult for me? What contributed to my struggles?

2. How was today (a difficult day) different from yesterday which was a little bit better? Is there anything I could learn from the difference that I might incorporate into my life or routine?

3. What was going on for me before I overate? What could I have done instead of eating?

Learning how to let go of self-blame and embrace a curious mindset is a necessary and powerful step in charting a successful weight loss journey. In fact, it's the first step I have my weight loss clients tackle, and I cover it in depth in my Emotional Eating Toolbox (TM) 28-day self study program.

Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. is a Psychologist and Life and Wellness Coach who helps her clients create and live their very best lives. She is also the creator of the Emotional Eating Toolbox, a 28-Day, Self-Guided Program for Taking Control and Moving Beyond Dieting. Get more information and subscribe to her free newsletter, Mindspa, at her website:

Copyright 2007 - Melissa McCreery, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - 7 Day Fat Loss Workout Program

Here's a 7 day workout program to help you burn fat and gain muscle. You will do fat burning exercises in short workouts to get maximum results in minimum time.

You should be taking time to plan and prepare your fitness and fat loss nutrition and exercise program for the rest of the week. But if you haven't, here is a 7 day workout program to help you burn fat.

You should also be on your way out to the grocery store to shop and prepare for your meals for the next 7 days, and planning your next 7 days of fitness according to these guidelines.


Do a strength and interval cardio workout, of course.

Do a bodyweight warmup to start.

Then superset a single leg exercise, like split squats, and dumbell chest presses. Do 3 sets of 8.

Then superset stability ball leg curls with dumbell rows. Do 3 sets of 12.

Finish the workout with interval cardio. It only takes 20 minutes to burn fat.


Get 30 minutes of enjoyable exercise. It could be traditional cardio, running errands, housework, manual labor, or your favorite sport. Just make sure to be active everyday. Finish your activity with some sort of relaxation techniques. It could be deep breathing, some easy yoga postures, or some visualization methods. Whatever you do, give yourself a few extra minutes to relax and remove the stress of your workday.


Do another strength and interval cardio workout - very similar to Monday's workout. Sandwich your workout between two high-protein snacks to give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover and re-build.


30 minutes of activity. Review your vegetable intake. You should be getting at least 5 servings per day, but try to get up to 8 or even 10 servings per day. Focus on leafy, green vegetables.


Your final workout of the week.

Bodyweight training is hot right now, and it's quickly becoming the (busy) people's choice as the training method to help them get the lean, sleek, sexy physique that they've always wanted. Plus, at this time of the year, you'll probably want to spend less and less time in the gym, and more time outdoors.

So do only bodyweight exercises today.

Start with a superset of bulgarian split squats and chinups.

The second superset can be pushups and forward lunges.

If you want, for fun, do some biceps and triceps exercises to finish off.

Then do interval cardio for 20 minutes.


30 minutes of activity. Connect with your social support group. And call another friend and invite them to get commited to losing fat and improving their health. Help them out and compare solutions to the obstacles that prevent you from eating properly or exercising.


30 minutes of activity followed by your weekly plan, shop, and prepare routine. Review your nutrition and make sure that you are keeping all sources of trans-fats out of your diet. Get rid of all the snack foods that contain trans-fats and other ingredients that you can't pronounce. Focus on fresh produce, and minimize the pre-packaged foods on your list.

Enjoy your strength and cardio intervals for the 7 day fat burning workout program.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning workout program have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Use the daily workout programs to help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight programs for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

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Weight Loss - Simply Weight Loss - Do Not Panic - Its So Easy

What is the solution to the problem of being over-weight?

What is Fat Loss 4 idiots program on "calorie shifting" for weight loss?

What are the diet secrets?

What is the art of shifting calories?

All these questions stuck your mind when you search for fat loss secrets on the internet.

You would be thinking that what is so special about this SHIFTING CALORIE THEORY of Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The thing is that your metabolism is unaware of how much food you will eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet.

In this technique, your body is given different types of calories each day which as a result makes your metabolism confused thereby forcing FASTER fat loss to happen.

Here is one more thing that you will need for this dieting technique to work, FAT BURNING COMPATIBLE. This technique will rate the foods you must eat because the foods you eat must be easy to burn to help your metabolism to burn them entirely and then switch to burning your fat tissue after that.

But how can I trust that CALORIE SHIFTING will help me reach my target?

Has anyone tried this calorie shifting diet and how does it work?

The reply to all your questions is that anything and everything is possible if you bring a bit of changes in you. What this means is that how can you get slimmer without CHANGING YOUR EATING HABITS, something which you have never tried before.

Another advantage of Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the variety put into its daily meal plans with no repetition which will encourage your body to burn more calories and fat.

The best part of this metabolic weight loss program is that despite a diet plan you can still enjoy the pleasurable things like you can relish an ice-cream, watch television without any restrictions and sit around when in the mood of relaxing.

Nothing comes to you until you wake up and make efforts for it. You will have to take the initiative if you want to get slimmer.

Fat loss 4 Idiots has proved itself to be the most effective healthy way to lose abdominal fat, lose ugly belly fat and gain muscle only by using this secret diet plan called as "Calorie Shifting".

This 11 Day Diet System at Fat Loss 4 Idiots will continue to work time after time, and this is the sole reason for it being so valuable. ...After 11 Days you can keep using it again and again to lose as much weight as you wish.

Navneet Brar compares the topmost 5 weight loss products along with their live traffic ranking, user reviews n user ratings. To get more information on weight loss products & programs, you can visit my website

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Weight Loss - Key to the Ultimate Muscle Building - Fat Loss - Fitness - Success Mindset

A few years ago, I regularly had those brief but friendly verbal exchanges with a fellow gym member upon arriving at the facility each day for my muscle building workouts. You know the kind of interaction I'm referring to; just some small talk and friendly joking with someone you never get to know outside of that one specific setting. I recall having a conversation with him on one particular day that went something like this:

"Hey Scott... how's the training going?" "It's going great, Mike", I answered. "But I'm feeling a bit tired today." "Well... ", he said almost perfunctorily. " At least you're in here. You showed up for your workout and that's better than a lot of people"

Interestingly, I cringed a bit at the sound of those words. 'At least I'm in here?' What if the muscles I had come to work that day were in dire need of one more day's rest? What if working them prior to that rest would be the catalyst that sends them down a spiral of over-training and inadequate recuperation? If that were the case, then showing up would be about the most counterproductive thing (in regard to bodybuilding) I could do that day.

Although Mike's point made sense within a specific circumstantial context, I detected traces of a mentality that's all too common among us and all too subtly damaging to human potential. This mindset rears its ugly head in every life context. It resides within each of us in varying degrees, depending on the life setting and circumstances. I will refer to it here as simply - the Motive-Driven Mentality.

The motive-driven mentality sits in direct contrast to the Outcome-Driven Mentality. The outcome-driven mentality is concerned with objectively measurable outcomes that result from our actions. By contrast, the motive-driven mentality is displayed when we congratulate ourselves for our intentions rather than concerning ourselves with the effects of our actions. When we hurt another person's feelings and the first thing out of our mouths is "I didn't mean it", we are (in that moment) saying: "judge me for my motives and forget about the actions".

Unfortunately, the tendency to be driven by motives is especially prevalent in the contexts of bodybuilding, fat loss, and fitness. It's displayed when gym members drift from one piece of workout equipment to another with no objective other than to "get a good workout". With such an ambiguous short-term goal, it's transparently revealed why the very same people will congratulate us for simply showing up at the gym. If we're not driven by the consequences of our actions, we end up patting ourselves and others on the backs for activity - no matter how blind that activity might be.

The best mindset for success in life is to be as outcome oriented as possible. This is vitally important in all life contexts where more success is sought, regardless of how we define that success. When frustration sets in due to our current lack of understanding of what strategies will bring forth the outcomes we desire, we must rein ourselves in before that flustered state leads us to letting our intentions feed our egos. If that happens, we've been bitten by the motive-driven mentality.

Reining ourselves in is mostly a matter of how we set and pursue goals. Those goals need to be specific and accompanied by measurable steps that beat a path to their achievement. For example: When I enter the gym, I know precisely what my objective is and what I need to do in order to meet it. I know how that objective sits within the path to my long-term goal and I know upon leaving the gym whether I've met that objective. The rewards of this mindset, accompanied by an effective workout strategy, have far exceeded any fleeting pleasure I once derived from workout spontaneity. In other words, the results from an outcome-driven mentality in bodybuilding have made those of the motive-driven ones pale by comparison.

So much of success in life depends on our mental approach. Therefore, it's important for us to honestly assess our mental strategies and discover how they affect our outer ones. Above all, when we detect that we've succumbed to a tendency to be self-congratulatory for our terrific motives rather than the consequences of our actions, it's probably time to psycho-evaluate ourselves within the context in question. This can lead to an outcome oriented mentality, which provides a foundation for the ultimate success mindset.

Scott Abbett is the author of HardBody Success: 28 Principles to Create Your Ultimate Body and Shape Your Mind for Incredible Success. To see his personal transformation, visit

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Weight Loss - Is Walking an Effective Weight Loss Strategy?

Exercise and better health go hand-in-hand. We all know that. Even the government puts out exercise recommendations. So what do you do? So you go on a walk and then pat yourself on the back. Exercise accomplished-right?

The big question is: Can you get fit by walking?

A research team at the University of Alberta took this question on in a detailed study. They compared a group that took part in a walking program with a group that did a traditional fitness routine at moderate intensity. The results? The fitness level of the walkers was significantly lower than those who did traditional exercise at moderate intensity. Here is what the lead researcher, Dr. Vicki Harber, had to say:

"Generally, low-intensity activity such as walking alone is not likely to give anybody marked health benefits compared to programs that occasionally elevate the intensity."

Harber went on to say that, "You've go to do more than light exercise and move towards the inclusion of regular moderate activity, and don't be shy to interject an occasional period of time at the vigorous level."

Walking for exercise won't give you the health benefits that more challenging exercise delivers. So is walking good for health? Can walking be utilized as a fitness tool?

So What Can Walking Do For you?

There definitely is a place for walking in fitness. For anyone who has not been active for a long time, it is best to approach an exercise regimen with caution and respect your body's limitations. Walking is a great introductory activity to master. Walking is especially great if your body is overweight, under-conditioned and simply unaccustomed to physical activity. Walking, then can be considered as a stepping stone to fitness. It transitions you from the motionless to in motion. Walking is just a notch above not moving-you'll burn a few calories and warm up unused muscles.

The problem is that walking cannot be the entire extent of your exercise regimen.

Like the study above revealed, walking just won't deliver the desired outcome. Your body is so efficient in its ability to adapt that you have to increase your exercise intensity in order to see results. This applies to more than just walking. Any time you are in an exercise rut, your body will adjust and you will stop seeing results. To progressively continue, you've got to progressively challenge yourself.

What's the Next step?

Once you have mastered brisk walking, you are ready for a new challenge, namely, resistance training. If you haven't tried resistance training then it may sound a little scary. Or you conjure up pictures of bulging, veiny, muscle-bound, steroid users. Most people are not looking for those kinds of results! Isn't resistance training just a fancy word for 'lifting weights'? And don't you have to be an athlete to lift weights?

I understand your reservations about beginning a resistance training program. However, to achieve substantial health and fitness results, you must use resistance training. Indeed, you may quickly realize that your body is becoming stronger and you are feeling better.

What are the benefits of Resistance Training?

" Increase in muscle strength and tone (and no, women do not need to worry about becoming bulky and bulgy)

" Increase in metabolism (this means extra fat burning)

" Increase in bone density

" Injury prevention

" Improved posture

" Improved health (lowered blood pressure and cholesterol; lowers your risk for adult-onset diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers)

" Improved mood and self esteem

Resistance training is simply the way to go when you want to get fit. By utilizing a resistance training program with a cardiovascular routine, you will be well on your way to achieving all of your fitness goals. Don't forget resistance training does not have to be weights, but can be body weight resistance like in yoga and Pilates.

The absolute most important issue for any exercise regimen to succeed is consistency. You just can't enroll in a program that you dread going to. You'll never get the results you seek that way. Get help if you need it, most people do need it. The ones who are wise enough to hire or otherwise recruit assistance are the ones who will succeed. Recruit a workout buddy. Hire a trainer. Set those appointments and stick to them. Even if you don't hire a trainer, you can still set appointments with yourself. Physically set aside the time and do it.

Jennifer has been in the weight loss/health industry for over five years and truly loves to assist people in reaching their goals. She offers many free resources at

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Weight Loss - The Scoop on Some Popular Weight Loss Supplements

A consistently increasing number of people spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year on weight loss supplements hoping to boost their metabolism in the pursuit of achieving an higher level of attractiveness. The fitness industry is booming, but the majority of people are unable to shed those unwanted pounds in spite of all the efforts they put into exercise and dieting.

In the United States, more than sixty percent of adults are overweight and thirty percent are considered obese. Here in the U.S. we have become sedentary and have grown accustomed to an overabundance of food. We have grown dependent on convenience, which has led us to consume excess amounts of unhealthy fast foods and quick, easy to prepare meals that that aren't as healthy as they should be. We have sacrificed the healthy, home-cooked meals of the past to cater to our around-the-clock lifestyles. As a result, we're always on the lookout for a super duper weight loss miracle pill that will allow us to eat whatever we want, never exercise, and still maintain the figure of a supermodel.

Many products in the weight loss market try to sell us this so-called miracle pill using promises of unrealistic results and miracle transformations. The weight loss companies rely on the overweight person's failure to achieve the desired results and turn to the supplements as a last ditch effort to get there.

A major problem with these is that much of the information available in the market is written by the companies trying to sell the supplements. The claims are hyped-up to unrealistic levels just to make the sale. This mis-information can lead to serious health problems for people who take these supplements.

One of the major ones that has been known to cause serious problems in some dieters is ephedra. Ephedra, also known as ma huang has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for 5,000 years as a treatment for asthma, hay fever, and the common cold. Ephedra is both a stimulant (drug that temporarily increase alertness and awareness) and a thermogenic (dietary supplement used to stimulate the body's burning of fat). Ephedra stimulates the brain, increase heart rate, constricts blood vessels (increasing blood pressure), and expands bronchial tubes (making breathing easier). Ephedra's thermogenic properties cause an increase in metabolism, which is shown by an increase in body heat.

Ephedra has also been used for weight loss, sometimes in combination with aspirin and caffeine. Some studies have shown that ephedra, when taken in a regulated and supervised environment, is effective for marginal short-term weight loss, although it is unclear whether such weight loss is maintained. Side effects of ephedra may include severe skin reactions, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death.

The safety of ephedra-containing dietary ones was questioned as a result of a high rate of serious side effects and ephedra-related deaths. In response to accumulating evidence of adverse effects and deaths related to ephedra, the FDA banned the sale of ephedra-containing supplements in April of 2004 and the sale of ephedra-containing dietary one is still illegal in the United States.

Although the Food and Drug Administration has managed to successfully ban the majority of illegal marketers, some unsafe products are still available. Consumers are being deceived everyday by some labels on products that claim to be ephedra free when in actuality these supplements contain other ingredients that may pose the same health risks. Be wary.

Another popular one is Epigallocatechin gallate, better known as EGCG which is a found in green tea. Although most commonly known as a powerful antioxidant and for its potential to lower cancer risk by protectingcells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are associated with the development of diseases such as cancer, advanced aging and heart disease. Studies suggest EGCG may also help with weight loss and fat burning by promoting and stimulating thermogenesis - the burning of fat cells. Thermogenesis also results in more energy and improved endurance. EGCG may help you lose fat by stimulating fat oxidation, burning calories, suppressing cravings, and boosting energy levels.

Another popular claim of some weight loss products is that they contain ingredients to prevent the absorption of carbohydrates. A popular example of this is Chitosan. Chitosan is usually sold as a pill that claims to be a 'fat attractor'. The claim is that the pill has the capability of attracting fat from the digestive system and expelling it from the body so that users can lose weight without changing their eating habits.

Some scientific research suggests that these claims are are hard to prove. Results show that at best, unmodified chitosan would remove only about 30 calories a day from a person's diet. Modified chitosan is supposed to be able to absorb three to six times its weight in fat and oils. This is unproven and opponents claim that using chitosan may have the actually negate the effectiveness of certain minerals found in food that are required by the body in order to remain healthy.

Some products claim to make you feel more full and therefore you eat less. One of the popular supplements of this type is Guar Gum. Guar gum is a fiber that acts as a bulk forming laxative that is said to be effective in promoting regular bowel movements and relieving constipation and chronic related functional bowel ailments.

For weight loss purposes, Guar gum is a thermogenic substance. Its low digestibility makes it great for use in recipes as a filler, which can help to promote the feeling of fullness, or slow the digestion of a meal, which lowers the glycemic index of that meal. In the late 1980s, guar gum was used and heavily promoted in several weight loss products. The FDA recalled these products due to reports of esophageal blockage from insufficient fluid intake. For this reason, guar gum is no longer approved for use in over-the-counters in the U.S. Additionally, several studies found that guar gum supplements were not effective in reducing body weight.

Some of the latest innovations in the weight loss industry are creams, gels, lotions and patches; basically things that aid in weight loss by way of skin absorption. Many of these products have not been proven or disproved to be effective; there have been studies showing both positive and negative results. One popular product is Cutting Gel, which is a top-selling fat loss cream. Claims are that you rub it on the spots where you want the fat to vanish. I have seen claims that it works and claims that it doesn't.

Equally as popular are herbal patches. These patches are said to be precise, convenient, comfortable, and effective for taking natural health supplements without taking pills or liquids orally. These products allow nutrients to be absorbed through the skin. Some of these patches, such as the Hoodia Skin Patch claims to work as a continual appetite suppressant by releasing natural Hoodia Gordonii extract via a patch placed on the body that is said to work for 24 hours. It's not clear whether these diet patches have undergone extensive scientific clinical trials or testing and therefore it can't be shown that a hoodia patch is more effective than hoodia capsules, tablets, or liquids.

Overall, it seems that the best method for losing weight is the good old fashioned way: eat healthy and stay active. Maybe instead of investing in diet supplements, invest in a good pair of walking shoes, go for a walk, do brisk walking, go jogging, hop on the treadmill, go to the gym, and most-importantly maintain well-balanced diet.

Denise Villani an author and the webmaster of several article directories. Find more articles and information on weight loss by visiting

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Weight Loss - CLA And Fat Loss - Is There A Link?

Are you wondering how CLA can help you lose weight? This article will provide you with some basic information. CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which has been found to be really effective when used as a supplement to aid weight loss.

Research has shown that a CLA supplement helps the body to convert fat into lean muscle.

It does this by enhancing the body's insulin sensitivity to enable the fatty acids and glucose to pass through the membranes of the muscle cells and away from the fatty tissue.

It actually helps the body to achieve a metabolic rate of a much younger person. A CLA supplement is important because the fatty acid helps to protect the body against disease.

The CLA supplement is really helpful in reducing the fat in the abdominal area because this is the area where most of the fatty acids tend to accumulate in the body.

We do not get enough of the tonalin CLA in our diet that our body needs because of the advances in technology in the area of the cattle industry. Previously cattle fed on grass, but now they are mostly grain fed.

Grass is necessary to build up the tonalin CLA in the meat and diary products we consume. As a result of the feeding changes, we do need to have a CLA supplement to make sure that our body gets the amount that is necessary.

Meats and dairy foods are the ones that contain the element, but because we are only getting part of what we need, it is important to supplement the diet.

Some experts feel that the reason there is a problem with obesity is that there is not enough tonalin CLA in the diet.

In addition to giving our bodies what they need with a CLA supplement, we are also ensuring that the food we eat does not turn to fat.

Check out for articles on yoga exercise mats and free weight and weight benches.

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Weight Loss - Training And Weight Loss During Pregnancy - Different Methods

Training and pregnancy do the fit together. Yes, definitely they do, you just have to adjust the training to your body limitations. The latest research shows that adequate training has positive effects on both circulation, metabolism and it will not risk the baby's health. The training helps your body to be prepared for the delivery. If you are training regularly you also recover much faster after the childbirth. Other positive effect of training is that you feel healthier and you will increase your self-esteem.

Training before delivery.
The main reason you should train is to keep your pre-pregnancy physique. The goal is not to loss weight, but the training may help you to control your weight gain. Training prepares your body to the post-delivery phase. It becomes easier to get in shape again and you will suffer less from pain.

How often should I train?
It depends, if you are a training novice you have to take it easy, start slow and take it carefully. 2-3 training sessions per week is the recommended dose. The recommendation may not fit every woman, let your body decide.

Different types of training?

Weight training: The general recommendation is that active women with normal, low-risk pregnancies do not have to give up their weight training, just adjust your exercises.

Running: High impact is not a risk for your baby's health. It is however an increased risk for you. Running in the last trimester are not recommended.

Bicycling: It is safe. An exercise bike is an excellent way of training.

Swimming and other water activities: They are good. Studies have shown that there is no risk for infection.

Aerobics: If you choose aerobic, it is better with low impact. These kinds of high intense training methods are best if you are in good condition. Don't start with aerobic during pregnancy.

During my first pregnancy I made a mistake, i stoped training because I thought it was dangerous for me and my baby. That was a BIG mistake, I looked like a Barabapapa and had backpain. Not very funny. If you want to read about training methods there are lot of books, or you can read HERE

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Weight Loss - Food and Weight Loss Supplement

Dietary changes and exercise regimens are sometimes not enough to lose weight. For people who are really determined to shed a couple of pounds, food and weight loss supplements can be used as aids. The combination of diet, exercise, and supplements will surely lead to a better physical health and reduced body weight.

Popular supplements

There are so many different kinds of food and weight loss supplements available in the market today. These are available over-the-counter, as well as in health food stores. Some of the most popular are herbal supplements. These include green tea, ephedrine or ephedra, Senna, guarana, and St. John's wart. Green tea, for example, quickens weight loss. This stimulates the thyroid gland, making the metabolism to speed up.

Possible effects

According to medical reports, all these fat burners can help lose up to one to three pounds a month However, these supplements, even if they are entirely natural, are not spared from controversies. Ephredra has garned notice from the medical community for its alleged side effects which include seizures and strokes.

Simple guidelines

Health professional advice consumers to check out the labels, as well as ingredients, of food and weight loss supplements. Before taking two food and weight loss supplements together, it is recommended to seek the advise of a health care professional Also, it is always important to take these supplements in moderation. Bear in mind that the ideal weight can be attained when it slowly comes off.

When looking for a supplement that can help speed up weight loss, it is always important to settle on the safe ones. Always choose supplements that are regulated by food and drug agencies. Those that have not been regulated may pose health risks. It is not advisable to just believe the claims of these food and weight loss supplements which are often unsubstantiated

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss Supplements

You are born with a natural weight set point...It's not talked about much because basically the diet, drug, supplement, and weight loss surgery industries don't want you to know about it. Is an internationally recognized weight loss and natural health expert and the President of Houston-based Global Healing Center. Many natural supplements for weight loss like vitamins, minerals, healthy ones, are very good for sustaining your weight loss diet plan.

This is why many people start looking for natural weight loss help. With the public's growing distrust of the medical establishment, people are shying away from prescription and over the counter weight loss drugs, instead opting for the "natural, help yourself" approach. A FINAL NOTE ON WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS: Are there truly chemicals and compounds, natural and synthetic that can enhance a weight loss program.

Eating complex carbohydrates help increase and control energy levels; aids weight loss, and controls and encourage a natural appetite. You'll discover the key to natural weight loss. However, if you eat several small meals a day, your body will process the same amount of food more efficiently, resulting in healthy, natural weight loss.

ALWAYS Consult Your Doctor Work in consultation with your natural health care provider if you decide to try a over the counter weight loss pill to help you lose weight. Weight loss supplements could be synthetic or natural foods, which you can take to ensure that you're still getting enough nutrients despite the fact that, you're not eating much. Rosemary tea- a great hair rinse that promotes hair growth a gentle removing of hair builds up. Oatstraw tea- great for weight loss due to it's high fiber content and richness in vitamins A,D, B1, and B2Chicory and dandelion tea- natural appetite suppressants Chamomile - helps you sleep and relax Apple peels- brew some in with your regular tea.

Herbal Weight Loss Patch: The weight loss patches use various natural herbal ingredients, which naturally help the body to lose weight. In tandem with its ability as an effective and natural weight loss agent, it is also a strong and healthy detoxifying agent.

Guy Katir
Are you tired of those Diet plans that you've been doing but still no results? Then discover our new way of slimming, without dieting!

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Weight Loss - Finding the Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge

Obesity is a disease. It can strike you if you do not keep your weight on track. That is why Americans have come up with different ways to lose weight, including joining the ultimate weight loss challenge to keep them motivated.

About obesity
Obesity is a result of being overweight or going way beyond the ideal body mass index (BMI). Your BMI is computed based on the proportion of your height to your weight. An extreme form of obesity is morbid obesity. Many people suffering from morbid obesity are almost 100 lbs overweight. Serious complications can come from being obese, including heart complications, difficulty in mobility, and diabetes.

A huge budget
As result, Americans are taking the extra step to lose weight. According to reports, Americans spend as much as $56 billion every year on weight loss methods. These include diet pills, surgery, and diet programs. However, as much as $6 billion of these are spent on fraudulent weight loss methods, often resulting to further complications.

Weight loss challenge
A new form of diet program is the ultimate weight loss challenge. In this challenge, individuals suffering from obesity can sign up to the challenge and form a team. The ultimate weight loss challenge works by motivating individuals to lose weight through competition. You can either start a competition with your family or friends, or join a public ultimate weight loss challenge.

The benefits of joining the ultimate weight loss challenge include:
? Social networking: by joining the challenge, you can get to know and interact with other people suffering from obesity. Some programs are also providing you with goal motivators to help you achieve your ideal weight. There is definitely power in numbers!

? Track: you can keep track of your weight with others, share your experiences, and learn from each other. Several websites offering weight loss challenge programs will provide you with tracking tools for you to know your progress.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss Pills - These Won't Work Without Doing This First

Weight loss pills are designed to do nothing but curb your appetite so that you won't be as hungry, therefore, you'll eat less and lose weight. This is a novel idea and there are a lot of these different types of weight loss pills available now online and off, but the question in my mind is, "are they safe"?

Personally, I'm not a big fan of weight loss pills, diet pills, ect. and here's why. Because even if you manage to lose your extra weight, do you plan to continue taking the weight loss pills for the rest of your life? Think about it. If you are not disciplined enough to curb your own appetite for a few hours each day in between meals and bedtime without have to buy and take weight loss pills, do you honestly expect that this is going to change once you've reached your weight loss goal? I'll answer that for you...not a chance. This is why.

Weight loss is a complete life changing metamorphosis. If you've developed bad habits to the point where you've become overweight or morbidly obese, then you must break those bad habits, otherwise you will never live a normal, healthy life, even if you do manage to get thin. We are creatures of habit and this has been proven time and time again. There have been several cases of people in the news that had lost massive amounts of weight and were living healthy lives only to fall back into that same pattern again and gain back every ounce of weight and more. Why? Because they didn't break their old habits.

Part of breaking those habits is actually more psychological than physical. Everyone has a reason for what they do, whether it's an alcoholic, gambler, sex addiction, binge eating, ect. The only way to deal with this is to get to the root of your problem, learn that there is hope for you and that you are a good person that has just got a bad habit. Once you begin dealing with these issues you'll have taken the first steps toward getting your life back.

Weight loss pills in moderation might not be a bad thing to get you started, but you'll eventually need to break those bad habits if you ever expect to achieve weight loss success.

Are You Serious About Losing Weight? If You Are Ready To Get Started On The Next Chapter Of Your Life Then Head Right Now To or by clicking on Weight Loss Pills Joe Simmons is a former U.S. Army Sgt That Wants You To Get In Shape And Start Living A Healthy Life. He Has Years Of Experience In The Areas Of Weight Loss, Fitness And Nutrition.

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